These are more detailed explanations of what we can do for your organisation. Please use them as a guide to shaping your idea of a potential project with MiraGold; nothing is set in stone and we would love to chat through your specific requirements if you get in touch
Diversity & Inclusion
#Make Diversity Count
Associate Osaro Otobo leads our work supporting your organisation to sign up to the campaign to improve handling and reporting on discrimination complaints.
Template discrimination handling policy
Tailored to your organisation
Support for staff understanding and buy-in
Support for associated comms
Opening up your employer offer
Associate Carys Jones oversees our work supporting your organisation to re-imagine its employee offer, maximising your application rate without the use of recruitment agencies.
Work with your HR function to re-develop job descriptions
Work with your board, SLT and HR functions to create a culture of change in recruitment and selection
Advise on supportive recruitment and selection practices which have the most impact on diverse appointment
Work with your HR function on induction programmes for maximum employee retention and positive experience
The Anti-Discrimination Board
Osaro and Kathryn work in tandem to support boards with specific challenges relating to diversity.
How to take action as a board against all forms of discrimination
How to create an organisational culture change through modelled behaviour and innovative policies
How to secure a diverse board of trustees
How to ensure the board's experience is a positive one
Each of these offers is completely bespoke to the needs and aspirations of the organisation, therefore taking anywhere between 1 and 20 days. Arrange a call to talk about your options, and MiraGold will provide you with a fully costed proposal, but our usual day rates apply
Leadership Induction*
Planning your programme 1-2 days
National Theme Analysis (e.g. education policy, legislative agendas)
Institutional research (e.g. strategic planning analysis, press narrative)
On-site facilitation of planning (usually ½ day)
Schedule mapping
Kick-starting your programme 3-5 days
National Theme Analysis (e.g. education policy, legislative agendas)
Institutional research (e.g. strategic planning analysis, press narrative)
On-site facilitation of planning (usually ½ day)
Schedule mapping
1-day development of inaugural training programme
1-2 days on-site training delivery
Delivering your programme 8-12 days
National Theme Analysis (e.g. education policy, legislative agendas)
Institutional research (e.g. strategic planning analysis, press narrative)
On-site facilitation of planning (usually ½ day)
Schedule mapping
3-day development of inaugural training programme
3-5 days on-site training including half-day with board and a half-day with senior staff
The depth and breadth of all off-site work is bespoke to your organisation, so may vary from assignment to assignment.
The standard day rate for all Leadership induction packages is £600, with half days at £350 per unit. All packages can be tailored to meet your unique requirements and discretionary discounts can be applied for longer term or repeat business arrangements
*particularly relevant for annually elected officers of membership organisations, but suitable for all leadership new starters in charitable organisations
Organisational Development and Planning
Strategic Planning Basic 2-5 days
Facilitation of strategic planning timetable
Research guidance or delivery
Research analysis
On-site senior level facilitation of key themes development
Strategic Planning Plus 5-8 days
Research guidance or delivery
Research analysis
On-site senior level facilitation of key themes development
Collaborative development of Vision, Mission and Values
Stakeholder mapping
Organisation-wide buy-in process
Planning for change 4-7 days
Bespoke package tailored to your unique set up and change circumstances
Regular check-ins to consider challenges as they arise
Minimum of 2 days on-site to facilitate change acceptance by your team(s)
Mapped programme of change with key milestones and communication templates
Expert advice and guidance from professionals relevant to your field, such as HR, Membership Organisations, Finance
The basics - 1 ½ days
½ day development of training plan + 1 day on-site facilitation of board development incorporating:
Charity Sector Insight and your context
An intro to compliance An intro to Good Governance
Board agreement creation Working with Senior Staff
Strategy versus operation Food for thought
NEW FOR 2020:
A unique online learning experience based on the Charity Commission's Essential Trustee (CC3). A combination of videos, light reading a quizzes help to consolidate your learning. This course is available to purchase by the organisation once to cover all its trustees and senior staff/governance support staff
Moving the board forward - 3 days
1-day development of training plan including a Skills Gap Analysis
2 days on-site facilitation incorporating a bespoke mixture of:
Charity Sector Insight and your context A recap of compliance
An overview of Good Governance Board agreement creation Working with Senior Staff Decision making
Generative thinking Board cohesion
Strategy versus operational Stakeholder mapping
Assigning advanced roles across the board CEO Appraisals
Making your values count
Advanced progression 4 ½ days
2 days development of in-depth training plan including a Skills Gap Analysis
2 days on-site facilitation incorporating a bespoke mixture of:
Charity Sector Insight and your context
A recap on compliance An overview of Good Governance
Board agreement creation Working with Senior Staff
Strategy versus operation Generative thinking
Pre-emptive Decision making Board cohesion
Stakeholder mapping Assigning advanced roles across the board
Making your values count Succession planning
Board level networking Crisis prevention and management
CEO appraisals
Includes delivery of a tailored report after the on-site facilitation with recommendations for future development planning
The standard day rate for all Governance packages is £600, with half days at £350 per unit. All packages can be tailored to meet your unique requirements and discretionary discounts can be applied for longer term or repeat business arrangements
Board Coaching New for 2020
Building on the Governance offers above, MiraGold now provides a bespoke coaching service for the whole board, providing low cost, high quality support for trustees as a collective. The programme supports board performance assessment and problem solving over the course of a full year and includes time for individual and group reflection. This programme is best used following one of the board development packages above, but consideration can be given to a tweaked programme in its own right
Board Coaching is an annual cost with multiple touch points throughout the year, dependent on your board cycle of business. Typically the coaching will cost between £1200 and £1800 as a stand alone product, with discounts available if taken in conjunction with a board development package above.
Collaborative Board Development **
Smaller charities often find it challenging to resource trustee board development programmes, but this does not mean they need to miss out on valuable skills, knowledge and experience for their trustees. This unique package allows several charities to band together to send individual or pairs of trustees from multiple organisations to a locally delivered event which will maximise their development and provide valuable networking opportunities. Charities can source their own pool of participants or contact MiraGold to fill the minimum number of places.
Key features of these events include:
Each event is tailored to the participants and their respective boards
Compliance and introductory good governance training for each participant
Real time examples used on the day to ensure relevancy
Unique networking opportunities on a small scale to allow genuine professional relationships to flourish
Action planning group support for 6 months after the event
All material is free to be disseminated among fellow trustees
To ensure these events are of maximum benefit to participants, there are some requirements for them to go ahead:
* Minimum number of participants – 6, maximum 15
* All participants need to complete a questionnaire in advance
* All participants need to report back to their respective boards; confirmation of this will be sought from each delegate
* Participants will need to be open to sharing their contact information with fellow delegates to form an action planning group after the event
**Collaborative Board Development rate is for the total number of delegates, so your charity only pays for its own share of the cost, minimising outlay: e.g. With the minimum number of participants attending an event and your organisation sending one delegate, you would pay £200. With the maximum number of participants, you would pay £100
Senior Leadership Facilitation 2-8 days
Great organisations need great people but finding the space for these great people to work together, learn together and progress together can be a challenge. This flexible package provides the initial framework for your full leadership team to get their heads together on a meaningful journey.
The standard day rate for all organisational development packages is £650, with half days at £375 per unit. All packages can be tailored to meet your unique requirements and discretionary discounts can be applied for longer term or repeat business arrangements